First nothing week

My first couple of weeks off work felt like a regular vacation - road trip, plays, camping, solo time and time with friends. This week, though.. I’m home and apparently still not working. Will you be surprised if I say I did NOT suddenly pick up a yoga & meditation routine?? I’m not terribly surprised. I’ve long thought they would be nice routines to have, but nothing was stopping me from doing them before, either. So! I have gone to the 9am outdoor pool water aerobics class twice this week. That was super fun and checked off my to-try list of finally swimming in that pool after living near it for 10 years. It’s mostly older women, and the kid even charged me the senior citizen rate!!! I’ve read a couple books, went out for some DELISH West African food, and recombobulated after my road trip. I also had a little surgery today - in lucky room 13, no less - and it went fine. This weekend my big plans are to hit the Blues Fest and … dunno. I think I’ll see about...