Return to tradition

I moved from Portland to the Bay Area in 2006. It was a good move for my career, but my heart belonged to the Northwest and I knew it. Since I fully intended to move back someday, I was extra diligent to keep my connections there alive. One thing I started was an annual group trip to Ashland, Oregon, with friends from both places. 

Ashland is home to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, a name that really doesn’t do justice to the 8+-month season or the 10+ plays they stage (many plays run for months so you can see 6 in a busy weekend). There’s always at least one Shakespeare show, but the company has evolved greatly to offer so much more! 

I’ve gone with a varying group of friends - usually about 12 of us make it - every year since 2007. Naturally our group trips to watch theater wasn’t A Thing during these last two beknighted pandemic years, but in 2022 we made our return! I got to watch one of the warm-up shows (one person played cello while two others made massive soap bubbles); get steak at Omar’s, and enjoyed coffee & a book at my preferred spot in town. Traveling with 12 others means you’ll typically spot a familiar face while walking through town - such a pleasure every time!

It’s a pared-down year and the audiences were half to two-thirds full, but it was so great to be back. If you’ve ever loved live theater, it’s a great time to show support if you’re able! 

Tomorrow (Monday) I head out for four more nights of solo camping. There will be no more steak until I return to civilization, so I’m getting one last nice dinner tonight!


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