Mid-Jan check in

 So far, so good, and I see a couple possible bingos forming. 


  • I went to a new-to-me museum: The Oregon Historical Society. I'm certain I've been there before, but I don't remember it, or spending any time with the exhibits, so I'm counting it as new. I learned it's free to people in my county, and it was a very enjoyable way to spend some time! 
  • No place on this card, but related: I also went to a historical architecture presentation at a different museum, and it was so good I've now become a member. I'd been there before so it didn't qualify for a bingo square.
  • Live music: I went to see The Sextones at the Jack London Revue. I saw them one other time - they're kind of retro R&B (their wikipedia page says soul & funk - sure) and are a lot of fun. 
  • I have a ticket to see a documentary on Friday about Chet Baker at my favorite non-profit indie theater, The Hollywood Theatre - so unless something happens, I can check this off soon. 
  • I revisited a place I've meant to go - West African food at Akadi. It was every bit as good as I remembered, and they had terrific live music too! I last ate there in Sept 2019 so that's 4+ years of good intentions, finally turned to action thanks to my bingo card. 
  • New to me restaurant - Lone Star Burger Bar. This wasn't risky in the slightest as it's owned by a fantastic bbq place, and you can't go too far wrong with burgers anyway, but it was delish. I wouldn't mind if they offered smaller burgers as an option but somehow I managed to inhale the whole thing, plus shared a side of fries, so... the serving size wasn't a real problem. 
  • Walk 5 days. When I created the 5-day series, I intended that they'd be 5 consecutive days, but I don't know that I'll hold myself to that. At any rate, if I count a hike as a walk and then the 4 following days of intentional walks, I made 5 consecutive days.
Possible other squares:
  • I have friends bringing food here to share before we watch a movie; does that count as hosting a dinner? (Not really, not the way I intended it)
  • I still have more than half of the month left, but if I focus on getting a bingo then the obvious moves are Nonfiction book + PBS show/series OR No car 5 days + Mail a postcard. We shall see. 
Note on bingo card selection
At first I was going to randomly choose a card from the printed pile, but then I fiddled around a little and made a smaller deck to choose from.
  • I made a selection pile from all the cards that did NOT have Go to a neighborhood festival/monthly art walk since it's not that time of year right now. 
  • Then I made sure the cards I was going to choose from did have Live music since that was already in the works. 

Last note for now: I forgot that Conversation with a stranger wasn't on this month's list! When I went to the historical architecture presentation I was mindful of that topic and chatted with the woman next to me instead of scrolling like I might have done otherwise. 


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