Nov 14-15: Amsterdam

It took all day - 10 hours - to get from Zurich to Amsterdam by train. I had to change trains a few times, but it was all very simple and efficient. I bought one ticket, showed my passport and ticket a couple times, and mostly just hung out watching the world go by. 

I had really enjoyed traveling lightly in Italy, so I did something similar for my time in Holland - I left my bulky duffel bag in long-term luggage in the train station, and took just a backpack with me to my lodging. First I had 24 hours in Amsterdam.

Nighttime arrival in Amsterdam 

“Trash goes here” - so organized!

I love a train station.

Stumblestone - recognizing the owner of the home who was arrested and murdered during WWII

Fries with mayo, and curry ketchup. 

I opted to keep my time in Amsterdam short, as hotels there were not cheap, and airbnbs weren’t any better, and I’d spent a few days there about 10 years previously. I slept in my cheap hotel, then spent a half-day following a couple of free audio tours, and taking a guided walking tour. After that I hopped a train to go an hour south to Delft, a lovely little city with affordable lodgings. I was flying home the 20th, so I was in my final week of adventure! 


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