Senegal: Joal Fadiouth

 For my final night/weekend in Senegal, my friends and I took a trip out of town. They don’t have their car yet, so we hired a driver & car to pick us up, bring us to a small town, and bring us back north again. They dropped me at the airport on the way home. For all that - and his overnight stay! - we paid something like $160 USD. Senegal is pretty inexpensive to visit!

Our trip took us to a pair of towns called, jointly, Joal Fadiouth. Our first trick was getting out of Senegal - traffic was awful even at 2pm on a Friday, and it took us 90 minutes to go about 5 miles. We had AC in the car but I could see the outside temp hit well over 100 - the hottest temp the car showed was 45c, or 113f, while we were stuck on the road. Once we cleared town it was another 90 minutes, but much more interesting views! 

We stayed in a nice little hotel that had ocean/beach access (through a gate in the wall; I suspect the wall is necessary to hold back storm water and high tides) and a pool. Once we arrived on Friday we walked on the beach a little, then had dinner and struck up conversation with a traveler from Spain. Our rooms were very basic but clean, and fortunately the AC worked and the electricity stayed on all night!

Saturday we had breakfast at the hotel, then walked 20 minutes over a bridge to the island town Fadiouth. We had to pay 5,000 CFA - the equivalent of about $7.50 - to walk across the bridge, and from there we walked around the town and over to the mixed (Muslim + Christian) cemetery, on a separate even smaller island. Both islands and all construction are based on piles of seashells. 

We left the islands and had lunch at a nearby restaurant before walking back to our hotel. A dip in the pool felt amazing, and then we got in the car to drop me at the airport and return my friends to their new life in Dakar  


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