Tech prep: cameras!

 So I’m going on a safari (!!) and I leave next week. I’ve been wrestling with the question of technology: is my iPhone camera good enough, or do I borrow a camera?

Friends prevailed on me to borrow a not-enormous camera with a pretty good zoom (both physical & digital). I’ve been playing with it some to figure out the uses. But I also have to figure out how to USE the files!

From the camera 

From my phone

Four concert pics from the camera, using maximum zoom to see the musicians (Pavement)

Swifts - pic from the camera

Crowd & swifts - pics from my phone. 

In conclusion: I think I’ll use both. Phone for close-up and low-light distance pictures; camera for well-lit zooming in to see animals. 

We’ll see how they look when I hit publish!


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