Arrived Nairobi!

[My internet isn’t great so I’ll publish this as text but will try to add pictures after.] The short summary is: it was a lot of travel, but it all went smoothly, I slept some, and I’m happily ensconced in my first home. Ethiopia looked very lush! It was good to get the worst out of the way at the start - the red-eye and almost 5-hour layover in Chicago wasn’t awesome. Flying business class on the longest leg was amazing - my one-way flight cost 88,000 miles from my stash but was very worth it. The countryside in Ethiopia was breathtakingly lovely with so many shades of spring green, and the fancy airport lounge was pretty posh. I appreciated that the buffet there served both African and Western foods, but I wasn’t hungry enough to have any. (I did sample fenugreek juice. It was quite odd.) The meal served between Addis Ababa and Nairobi seemed more Ethiopian in style and was delish! Landing in Kenya wasn’t nearly as pretty - quite brown so not as photogenic. It took t...