January - Bingo!

Just one bingo, but I'll take it! What did I add? Non-fiction book: The In-Between. Reading it for book group - it was a very fast read. When I initially added this item to my bingo options, I was thinking of reading The Ball is Round - a Global History of Soccer; then I realized it was 900+ pages and my enthusiasm cooled. PBS show or series: Magpie Murders - which was quite fun! I'd it recommended a few times, and had a few other positive reviews of the author's novels, so I'm glad I finally tried it out. I'll keep an eye out for more of his (Anthony Horowitz) books. Movie in theater: Let's Get Lost - an arty documentary about Chet Baker, from 1988. It was beautiful, and left me with a million questions, and seeing it in a sold-out theater was fun. Pro tip: apparently heroin messes a person up. Definitely plan to avoid that. Zoom call with a friend: I'm part of a small group of 7 who get together when we can; 4 of us were in-person and one joined onsc...